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Do you know the benefits of long-term Laminine use?

Do you know the benefits of long-term Laminine use?

Join us this week for our monthly Product Training Call with your LPGN Research Scientist, Dr. Andujar.

During the call, Dr. Andujar will discuss the benefits of long-term Laminine usage and insights that you and your customers can use to optimize the results you experience over time.

All the information you need to join the call is below. We are looking forwarding to having you join us on this call.

Subject: The benefits of long-term Laminine use
Date: Thursday, June 12th
Time: 5:00 pm Pacific Time
Dial-in/Skype Phone Number: 530-881-1212
Meeting ID: 266-880-933

Click here for international dial-in information.
June Kick-off Call
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